Wednesday, February 23, 2011

“You don’t get inspiration,
you have to find it!!”

That’s exactly what happened to me. Reading the blogs of one of my closest friends made me feel such an immature writer. I just felt so small that I thought that either I should stop reading her blogs or give up writing all together .But just yesterday, I went through my Blog Statistics and was really astonished to discover that 110 people across the globe [excluding my friends, whose inclusion in the list would shoot it up to 121] actually read the ludicrous stuff I wrote!. Agreed that the count is too diminutive to flatter about , but still it has given me enough inspiration to not take defeat so early, and perhaps gather my mind to get better at this!!


It actually takes a lot of efforts to whip your brains to write a blog (and I actually appreciate the people who do all this with so much of ease). Invent Topics, invent content.  I am quite an incoherent writer. I never bond with the norms and always have scattered writings, instead of the usual “stick to the point”, That’s one reason to justify the fact that I am still an immature writer.
Immature in not the professional sense, but in the content I write and the topics I usually choose. I somehow can’t hold myself together and write a wordy blog on topics I usually have a little knowledge about. I can emote better than I can write and for that reason my explanation through speech is much less ambiguous than my writing.I am not too much of a thinker to be writing on intellectual stuff , and that’s why it makes me come up of a topic that is so relatable to all of us.
                                         Perceptions. Perceptions about what?. About Life? Or about People??? Maybe its an amalgamation of everything. Everything that we think ,observe and rationalize about. Okay lets start with this. In my own class there are people who might be having holy lot of perceptions about me. Some think I am a scholar. Some think maybe I am too shy, reserved and quiet. Some think I am arrogant, snooty and very over smart (which I am definitely not!!). There maybe a question that , perhaps its me also who is just perceiving that people think so about me. Answer to which is , that I have asked certain NOW good friends of mine, about what they thought of me when they  first saw me??. And quite surprisingly these were some of the answers which I got. Its maybe that I am just too involved and pre-occupied with myself , that I often don’t think as to what I am projecting myself to be and maybe I need to change this habit of mine. But trust me I am none of those qualities that people entitle me to  in their mind!!. I agree I might be a bit reserved ( and lets give some benefit to me on that point, considering the fact that all of us have our own cons!!)In my case it’s just that the other person has to make a tad bit more effort to be my friend. And I guess it’s high time I change that, considering the fact that I am no king and I am not entitled to any such selfish importance!.
                                       Okay enough about me. But that’s perhaps the case with many people today. Even I have perceived certain people to be of some kind, but now it’s a passé . I definitely don’t judge people now and I guess it’s definitely wrong to tag people if you don’t know them too well. I feel bad when it happens to me , so would the other person. Cases just don’t rest on people alone. We form judgments and opinions on many other things in life. Be it movies, books ,academics etc. I too had a perception that Engineering is too difficult and it is actually tough time completing it . But it’s not the case anymore. I guess its just that it’s only the time constraint. Still that doesn’t mean I am not free of a  K.T!
It’s something that get’s the most superfluous attention of ours!!
                                        People form opinions too soon. I have come across people who think a certain section of the society to be a certain way. Homosexuals, Transgenders , east Indians ( Don’t tell me you never thought about people from east India ,having flat noses and small eyes ,to be from China!) for that matter even burqa clad women. Not every male fashion designer has to be a homosexual , transgender to be a kidnapper, a burqa clad woman to be to conservative. Every person has choices. Lets give them that much of benefit, because we expect the same from others too.

                               The difference between
                                    a flower and a weed
                                              is a judgment.

~ Author Unknown ~
                                    So next time just think before you think too much!


  1. hmm inspiration huh?? i wonder who!! anyways really amazing u have written!! congrats!! :P:D

  2. GUESS WHAT?? i know who! :P
    Nice blog. Not me favorite though.
